Principal’s Message

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Education in our Vedic texts has been defined as the giver of light i.e.“TAMSOMA JYOTIRGAMAYA.”It has been defined as the power that not only helps root out ignorance but also build character. Education is a path on which every child is made to walk and then run to achieve success, name, fame and if not then at least a livelihood. We in our competitive busy lives of today forget that life is not just about money and success but also a lot about learning, understanding and living. Education as a concept today might have been reduced to just making oneself a winner in the material sense but we need to realize it is not so.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1554837267949{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 50px !important;}” el_class=”pic-txt”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1554835499238{padding-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text]Education is also learning about handling ourselves, it is a lot about learning to anchor our energies in a positive direction towards self development and not just development of our assets. I as an individual feel that the real success of education is when a person knows how to enjoy success and respect failure. Real education is when a person’s soul starts to agree with his material self and begins to understand his own emotions as well as reactions.
Our vision in the management and the faculty is not just to make the child a scholar or a sportsman but also to ensure quality education to the pupil so that every child is able to achieve his/her potential in academics, debating, drama, music, social service, art, painting, craft, dance, sports, swimming, quizzing, horse riding and also aims to develop not only mind but also the spirit.

Our motto,“In Pursuit Of Excellence”is supported by a dedicated group of teachers and staff. It is indeed our aim to make every student a potential leader of tomorrow. Contrary to the saying—-
“Children walk to school and run back home.”

Riverside denizens believe—–

“Run to school and walk back home.”
